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Corporate Challenge

What is the Corporate Challenge? The Corporate Challenge is designed to support corporate wellness initiatives, facilitate team building and provide an empowering experience for your employees.


Run Nash has loads of awesome benefits to help you engage your team members, and create a fun and exciting experience, with the least amount of effort and stress on your behalf. We’re here to do the hard part for you! This means that come race day, all you need to do is put on your running shoes and enjoy the event!  Corporate teams can access a range of benefits including:

  • Bulk discounts
  • Group packet pickup
  • Finish Line Hospitality Space
  • Awards – Largest and Fastest Team

How Does It Work? 

Employers can opt into one of three options below. Participants must register with their company-associated code. Please contact with your option selection or any additional questions related to corporate pricing.

Option 1: Employer Covers 100%
Employer receives comp code to share with employees. Employer will be billed after online registration closes for the number of entries redeemed at the following corporate prices:
Marathon ($90) | Half Marathon ($80) | 5K ($40). Employer must commit to a minimum of 20 entries to receive corporate pricing.

Option 2: Employer Covers 50%, Employee Covers 50% Employer receives discount code of 50% off online pricing to share with employees. Employer will be billed after online registration closes for the number of entries redeemed
at 50% of corporate pricing: Marathon ($45) | Half Marathon ($40) | 5K ($20) Employee is responsible to pay 50% of the current online price. Employer must commit to a minimum of 20 entries to receive corporate pricing.

Option 3: Employee Pays Entry with 15% Discount
Employer receives discount code of 15% off online pricing to share with employees. Employee is responsible for full cost of race entry after the discount code. There is no minimum number of entries needed to receive the 15% discount.