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We’re just about 5 months away from our marquee event – the Nashville Half Marathon & 5K, taking place on Saturday, October 26th. The 5-month mark is the perfect time to start training for your first half marathon or marathon. Whether you’re aiming to achieve a personal fitness goal, try something new, or simply enjoy the thrill of running, now is the ideal moment to begin your journey.

Here’s why starting now is the best decision you can make: 

  • Plenty of Time to Prepare: With five months to go, you have ample time to build your endurance gradually. This ensures you can safely increase your mileage without risking injury.
  • Establish a Routine: Training over five months allows you to incorporate running into your lifestyle. You’ll develop a consistent routine that balances your training with work, family, and other commitments.
  • Gradual Progression: A longer training period means you can start slow and gradually increase the intensity and distance of your runs. This approach not only prevents burnout but also builds a solid fitness foundation.
  • Enjoy the Journey: Training for a half marathon is more than just race day. It’s about enjoying the journey, celebrating small victories, and witnessing your progress over time.
  • Stay Motivated: Having a race date in the calendar provides a clear goal to work towards. It keeps you motivated and focused on your training.

2024 Official Training Program – Now Open!

We are excited to once again be partnering with Fleet Feet Nashville to develop the official training program for this year’s event!

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